Grandview Cemetery is located at 365 N Washington St, in Bloomfleld, Indiana. Grandview Cemetery is a non-profit organization whose upkeep is supported solely by loved one's donations and the sale of burial lots. For the past 10 years the support of donations from donors has slowed down along with a corresponding hit of fewer lot sales.
Currently we do not have the funds to continue the maintenance of the property. We have taken great pride in keeping Grandview one of the best kept cemeteries in our area. But we desperately need funds to continue the maintenance..
Please consider making a donation one of the following ways:
1) Send donation to:
Grandview Cemetery Association
c/o Denise Frederick (Treasurer)
390 Shyla Lane
Bloomfield, IN 47424
2) Contact Denise Frederick @ (812)322-8111 to purchase lot:
$350 (1 lot) or $600 (2 lots)
3) In person at Northwest Bank
4) Donate on the Contact Info / Donate page
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